Pan of Protostar L1527
Zoom Into Protostar L1527
Pan of the Webb’s Portrait of the Pillars of Creation (NIRCam)
Zoom: Seeing Triple
Transition Video: Webb's views of NGC 4449
NGC 602 (Hubble and Webb's views)
Webb Explores the PHANGS Galaxies
Zoom into Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex
Zoom into NGC 5068
Zoom Into Wolf-Rayet 124
Pan of Wolf-Rayet 124
Pan video: NGC 2566 (MIRI)
Transition video: Hubble and Webb's views of NGC 2566
NGC 2207 (Hubble/Webb image and Webb MIRI image)
Pan: Catching the edge of the Phantom Galaxy (NIRCam and MIRI)
Pan: Catching the edge of the Phantom Galaxy (NIRCam)
Transition video of the Phantom Galaxy (NIRCam image + MIRI and NIRCam image)
Webb Sets Out to Study Exoplanets: Space Sparks Episode 9
Pan of NGC 346
Zooming Into NGC 346
Hubble and Webb’s Views of NGC 346
Video: A Wreath of Star Formation in NGC 7469
Diving Into the Cosmic Cliffs
Two Views of the Gas in the Southern Ring Nebula (NIRCam and MIRI Composite Images)
Zoom Into II ZW 96
Pan of II ZW 96
Hubble and Webb Observe II ZW 96
Zoom Into Dwarf Galaxy WLM
Hubble and Webb Showcase the Pillars of Creation
Webb’s Instruments Showcase the Pillars of Creation
Pan of the Webb’s Portrait of the Pillars of Creation (MIRI)
Video: Webb’s Three Views of IC 1623
Video: Pan of IC 1623
Video: Hubble and Webb's Views of IC 1623
Zoom into Webb’s View of the Pillars of Creation
Video of Star Duo Forms ‘Fingerprint’ in Space
Webb's MIRI Reveals Complex Galactic Structures
Webb and Hubble Reveal Complex Structures
Space Sparks Episode 6: Webb's First Views of Neptune
Pan of Webb’s First Views of Neptune
Space Sparks Episode 5: Webb Captures A Cosmic Tarantula
Zoom Into the Tarantula Nebula
Pan of the Tarantula Nebula (MIRI Image)
Two Views of the Tarantula Nebula (NIRCam and MIRI images)
Pan of the Tarantula Nebula (NIRCam Image)
Cosmic Cliffs - Stars
WASP 96b - Transmission Spectrum
Southern Ring Nebula - Mid-Infrared
Southern Ring Nebula - NIRCam
Cosmic Cliffs - Bottom