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ESA/Hubble/Webb weic2417: Investigating the origins of the Crab Nebula with Webb — New data revise our view of this unusual supernova explosion.. The Crab Nebula is a nearby example of the debris left behind when a star undergoes a violent death in a supernova explosion. However, despite decades of study, this supernova remnant continues to maintain a degree of mystery: what type …

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ESA/Hubble/Webb News
17 June 2024

The Crab Nebula is a nearby example of the debris left behind when a star undergoes a violent death in a supernova explosion. However, despite decades of study, this supernova remnant continues to maintain a degree of mystery: what type of star was responsible for the creation of the Crab Nebula, and what was the nature of the explosion? The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope has provided a new view of the Crab, including the highest-quality infrared data yet available to aid scientists as they explore the detailed structure and chemical composition of the remnant. These clues are helping to unravel the unusual way that the star exploded about 1000 years ago.

The release, images and videos are available on:

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ESA/Hubble/Webb Information Centre
17 June 2024

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