HR 8799 e Spectrum
This graph shows a spectrum of one of the planets in the HR 8799 system, HR 8799 e, which displays the amounts of near-infrared light detected from the planet by Webb at different wavelengths.
The blue and yellow lines are a best-fit model for an atmosphere that would be either low or high in metals heavier than helium, including carbon, also known as metallicity. The Webb data is consistent with a high metallicity planet.
Spectral fingerprints of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide appear in data collected by Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera).
[Image description: Graphic titled “Exoplanet HR 8799 e: Carbon Dioxide in Gas Giant Exoplanet” has three data points with error bars and a best-fit model for low metal content and high metal content on a graph of Amount of Light from the Planet on the y-axis versus Wavelength of Light in microns on x-axis. Y-axis ranges from less light at bottom to more light at top. X-axis ranges from 3.6 to 5.0 microns. Webb NIRCam data consists of 3 points, plotted in red, with white error bars above and below each point. The best-fit models are jagged blue and yellow lines with several broad peaks and valleys. Two features are labeled with vertical columns. From 4.3 microns to nearly 4.4 microns, a green column is labeled Carbon Dioxide CO2. From nearly 4.4 microns to nearly 4.8 microns, a red column is labeled Carbon Monoxoide CO2.]
Credit:NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, W. Balmer (JHU), L. Pueyo (STScI), M. Perrin (STScI)
About the Image
Id: | weic2504c | |
Type: | Chart | |
Release date: | 17 March 2025, 15:00 | |
Related releases: | weic2504 | |
Size: | 3840 x 2160 px |