Zoom Into Protostar L1527

This video zooms in towards the protostar L152 to reveal the object as seen by the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope, embedded within a cloud of material that is feeding its growth. Material ejected from the star has cleared out cavities above and below it, whose boundaries glow orange and blue in this infrared view. The upper central region displays bubble-like shapes due to stellar ‘burps,’ or sporadic ejections. Webb also detects filaments made of molecular hydrogen that has been shocked by past stellar ejections. Intriguingly, the edges of the cavities at upper left and lower right appear straight, while the boundaries at upper right and lower left are curved. The region at lower right appears blue, as there’s less dust between it and Webb than the orange regions above it.



ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, unWISE/JPL-Caltech/D. Lang (Perimeter Institute), E. Slawik, N. Risinger, N. Bartmann, M. Zamani
Music: Tonelabs – The Red North (www.tonelabs.com)

About the Video

Release date:16 November 2022, 16:30
Related releases:weic2219
Duration:01 m 00 s
Frame rate:25 fps

About the Object

Ultra HD (info)



Video Podcast 14.4 MB

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