Position (RA): | 12 36 54.97 |
Position (Dec): | 62° 12' 8.35" |
Field of view: | 8.11 x 3.93 arcminutes |
Orientation: | North is 61.3° right of vertical |
Colours & filters
Band | Wavelength | Telescope |
Optical | 900 nm | James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam |
Infrared | 1.15 μm | James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam |
Infrared | 1.5 μm | James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam |
Infrared | 2.0 μm | James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam |
Infrared | 2.77 μm | James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam |
PAH | 3.35 μm | James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam |
Infrared | 3.56 μm | James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam |
Infrared | 4.1 μm | James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam |
Infrared | 4.44 μm | James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam |
GOODS-North field (clean)
This image from Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) instrument shows a portion of the GOODS-North field of galaxies.
[Image description: A rectangular image with thousands of galaxies of various shapes and colours on the black background of space. Some are noticeably spirals, either face-on or edge-on, while others are blobby ellipticals. Many are too small to discern any structure. One prominent foreground star at top centre features Webb’s signature eight-point diffraction spikes.]
Credit:NASA, ESA, CSA, B. Robertson (UC Santa Cruz), B. Johnson (CfA), S. Tacchella (Cambridge), M. Rieke (University of Arizona), D. Eisenstein (CfA)
About the Image
Id: | weic2406d | |
Type: | Observation | |
Release date: | 4 March 2024, 16:00 | |
Related releases: | weic2406 | |
Size: | 4049 x 1961 px |