Interacting galaxies Arp 142 (NIRCam and MIRI image, annotated)
Interacting galaxies Arp 142 (NIRCam image)
Interacting galaxies Arp 142 (NIRCam image, rotated full-field)
Interacting galaxies Arp 142 (Hubble and Webb image)
Interacting galaxies Arp 142 (NIRCam and MIRI image)
Star clusters in the Cosmic Gems arc
Star clusters in the Cosmic Gems arc (annotated)
Star clusters in the Cosmic Gems arc (cropped)
Galaxy cluster SPT-CL J0615−5746 (wide-field view)
Galaxy cluster SPT-CL J0615−5746 (cropped)
Serpens Nebula (NIRCam compass Image)
Serpens Nebula North – aligned outflows crop (NIRCam image)
Serpens Nebula centre crop (NIRCam image)
Serpens Nebula (NIRCam image)
Crab Nebula (MIRI and NIRCam image, annotated)
Crab Nebula (MIRI and NIRCam image)
NGC 4449 (NIRCam image - cropped)
Fireworks of stellar starbursts
NGC 4449 (NIRCam)
Transmission Spectrum — WASP-107 b (Hubble WFC3, Webb NIRCam, and Webb MIRI)
ZS7 environment (NIRcam image)
ZS7 location in PRIMER image (NIRcam image)
Super-Earth exoplanet 55 Cancri e (emission spectrum)
Star-studded cluster (NGC 6440 NIRCam wide-field image)
Star-studded cluster
Horsehead Nebula (NIRCam image)
Horsehead Nebula (Euclid, Hubble and Webb images)
Horsehead Nebula (NIRCam image)
M82 (Webb and Hubble images)
M82 (NIRCam image - longer wavelengths)
M82 (NIRCam image - shorter wavelengths)
M82 (Webb and Hubble images, annotated)
I Zwicky 18 (wide-field view)
A duo of starbursts in I Zwicky 18
NGC 604 (NIRCam image, annotated)
NGC 604 (NIRCam image)
NGC 604 (NIRCam image)
GOODS-North field (clean)
GN-z11 in the GOODS-North field (compass image)
GN-z11 in the GOODS-North field
A galactic treasury
NGC 3627
NGC 1433
NGC 1365
NGC 1087
PHANGS image mosaic
NGC 7496
NGC 4321
NGC 1672
NGC 1385
Showing 1 to 50 of 235