Webb captures the spectacular galactic merger Arp 220
Webb observes the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
NGC 346 (Webb)
Dusty Debris Disk Around AU Mic (Annotated)
Two Views of the Gas in the Southern Ring Nebula (NIRCam and MIRI Composite Images)
Southern Ring Nebula’s Gas (NIRCam and MIRI Composite Compass Image)
ZS7 location in PRIMER image (NIRcam image)
NGC 1385
Webb Observes a Globular Cluster Sparkling with Separate Stars
Southern Ring Nebula’s Spokes (NIRCam and MIRI Composite Compass Image - Annotated)
Dwarf Galaxy WLM
NGC 1433
NGC 1512
Webb Takes a Stunning, Star-Filled Portrait of the Pillars of Creation (Cropped)
GN-z11 in the GOODS-North field (compass image)
NGC 1566
Uranus widefield view (NIRCam)
Lensed Galaxies in VV 191 (Webb and Hubble Composite Image)
NGC 1672
No tricks, just treats (M83 NIRCam image)
Webb Explores a Pair of Merging Galaxies (scaled)
NGC 2835
A Spiral Amongst Thousands
NGC 346 side-by-side images: Hubble and Webb
Messier 106 viewed by Hubble and Webb
Galaxy cluster SPT-CL J0615−5746 (wide-field view)
Star clusters in the Cosmic Gems arc (cropped)
Serpens Nebula (NIRCam compass Image)
Super-Earth exoplanet 55 Cancri e (emission spectrum)
Star Cluster IC 348 (NIRCam image annotated)
Cas A (NIRCam image, annotated)
M83 (NIRCam image, scaled)
Long-wavelength NIRCam Orion mosaic in ESASky
Europa (NIRCam image, cropped)
Webb captures detailed beauty of Ring Nebula (NIRCam image)
Galaxy cluster WHL0137-08 (annotated)
Webb spotlights gravitational arcs in ‘El Gordo’ galaxy cluster (NIRCam image, annotated)
Herbig-Haro 46/47 (NIRCam image - annotated)
Saturn’s rings shine in Webb’s observations of ringed planet (annotated)
Seeing Triple (Annotated)
Galactic Get-Together
Pandora’s Cluster, Abell 2744 - NIRCam (Clean)
NGC 604 (NIRCam image, annotated)
NGC 3351
GOODS-North field (clean)
NGC 4254
NGC 3627
The Crab Nebula (annotated)
Star Cluster IC 348 (NIRCam compass image)
Zoomed-in image of Uranus (Annotated)
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