NGC 628
NGC 1672
NGC 4254
NGC 5068
NGC 4535
NGC 4303
NGC 2835
S1 LMC N79 (cropped)
A massive cluster is born
Lyman-α emitting galaxy EGSY8p7 (NIRCam image)
Lyman-α emitting galaxy EGSY8p7 in the CEERS survey field (NIRCam image)
Portion of Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) survey (NIRCam compass image)
Sample shapes of distant galaxies identified in Webb’s CEERS survey (NIRCam image)
3D classifications for distant galaxies in Webb’s CEERS Survey (NIRCam image)
Early galaxy shapes detected by Webb (artist concept)
Star system Beta Pictoris (MIRI image, compass image)
Star system Beta Pictoris (MIRI image)
Star system Beta Pictoris (MIRI image, annotated)
Atmospheric methane of brown dwarfs W1935 and W2220 (NIRSpec)
Webb spots a second lensed supernova in a distant galaxy
Webb spots a second lensed supernova in a distant galaxy
Webb spots a second lensed supernova in a distant galaxy
Galactic gathering
Uranus widefield view (NIRCam)
Uranus close-up view (NIRCam)
Uranus widefield view (NIRCam compass image)
Cover page of the 2024 ESA/Hubble and ESA/Webb calendar
Star Cluster IC 348 (NIRCam image)
Star Cluster IC 348 (NIRCam image annotated)
Star Cluster IC 348 (NIRCam compass image)
Cas A (NIRCam compass image)
Cas A (NIRCam image, annotated)
Cas A (MIRI image)
Cas A (NIRCam image)
Cas A (NIRCam and MIRI Comparison)
Cas A (NIRCam image)
Protoplanetary disc XUE 1 (MIRI emission spectrum: 4.95–5.15 microns)
Protoplanetary disc XUE 1 (MIRI emission spectrum: 13.3–15.5 microns)
Artist’s impression of protoplanetary disc
A prominent protostar in Perseus
Sagittarius C (NIRCam Image, annotated)
Sagittarius C (NIRCam Image)
Neon gas in protoplanetary disk SZ Chamaeleontis
Galaxy cluster MACS0416 (Hubble and Webb composite image)
Galaxy cluster MACS1416 (Hubble and Webb images)
Galaxy cluster MACS0416 (Hubble and Webb composite image, annotated)
Galaxy cluster MACS0416 with Mothra pullout
Water abundance in GK Tau disk (MIRI emission spectrum)
Icy pebble drift (infographic)
M83 (NIRCam image, scaled)
Showing 151 to 200 of 493