NGC 6822 (MIRI image)
The life and times of dust
Herbig-Haro 46/47 (NIRCam image)
Herbig-Haro 46/47 (NIRCam image - annotated)
PDS 70 (artist concept)
Water in protoplanetary disc of PDS 70 (MIRI emission spectrum)
Artist’s Impression of 25 Hot Jupiters
Crop of the GOODS-S field: JADES (NIRCam image, clean)
Galaxy JADES-GS-z6 in the GOODS-S field: JADES (NIRCam image)
Area of study in GOODS-S field: JADES (NIRCam image)
Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex
Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex (annotated)
Two extremely distant active supermassive black holes (NIRSpec MSA emission spectra)
Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) survey (NIRCam image)
Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) survey (NIRCam compass image)
Set of extremely distant galaxies (NIRSpec MSA emission spectra)
Active supermassive black holes across cosmic time
Black hole existed 570 million years after Big Bang (NIRSpec MSA emission spectrum)
Dusty supernovae (MIRI, annotated)
Dusty supernovae (MIRI)
Clash of the Titans
NGC 3256 (HST)
Saturn’s rings shine in Webb’s observations of ringed planet
Saturn’s rings shine in Webb’s observations of ringed planet (annotated)
Webb identifies the earliest strands of the cosmic web (annotated)
Webb identifies the earliest strands of the cosmic web (annotated)
Webb identifies the earliest strands of the cosmic web (clean)
Webb studies the Orion Nebula
The Orion Bar region (NIRCam image)
The Orion Bar region (Hubble image)
The Orion Bar region (upscaled MIRI image)
TRAPPIST-1 c emission spectra
TRAPPIST-1 c light curve
Distant Galaxy Samples Near Quasar J0100+2802 (NIRCam Image)
Quasar J0100+2802 (NIRCam Image)
GOODS-S field (NIRCam image)
GOODS-S field (NIRCam image, annotated)
Webb's MIRI peers behind bars
NGC 5068 (NIRCam image)
NGC 5068 (MIRI image)
Webb peers behind bars
Webb's NIRCam peers behind bars
Enceladus (NIRCam and NIRSpec IFU)
Enceladus (NIRCam Image)
NIRCam image of Comet 238P/Read
Spectral data of Comet 238 P/Read and Comet 109 P/Hartley 2
NIRCam image of Comet 238P/Read (annotated)
Artist’s concept of Comet 238P/Read
Webb inspects dusty debris disc around Fomalhaut (annotated)
Webb inspects dusty debris disc around Fomalhaut
Showing 251 to 300 of 494