Webb investigates a dusty and dynamic disc
Webb spies a multifaceted disc
The many faces of HH 30
Leo P (NIRCam image)
Light echoes near Cassiopeia A
Little Red Dots (NIRCam Image)
Observations of Wolf-Rayet 140 (MIRI Images, annotated)
Wolf-Rayet 140 (MIRI image) - September 2023
Observations of Wolf-Rayet 140 (MIRI Images, clean)
Wolf-Rayet 140 (MIRI image) - July 2022
Wolf-Rayet 140 (MIRI image, annotated) - September 2023
NGC 2566 (MIRI image)
Close look at a local galaxy
NGC 2566 (HST image)
NGC 346 with 10 circled sources
NGC 346 side-by-side images: Hubble and Webb
Spectra showing evidence of Disc
Cover page of the 2025 ESA/Hubble and ESA/Webb calendar
Galaxy cluster MACS J1423 (NIRCam image)
Galaxy cluster MACS J1423 (NIRCam image, annotated)
Firefly Sparkle Galaxy Inset (NIRCam Image)
Galaxy distribution in the Spiderweb Protocluster  (NIRCam, annotated)
Spiderweb Protocluster (NIRCam)
Close-up of galaxy distribution in the Spiderweb Protocluster  (NIRCam, annotated)
Tracing spiral arms in infrared
Viewing a flaky disc
Hubble and Webb’s views of the Sombrero Galaxy
Sombrero galaxy (MIRI)
Sombrero galaxy (HST)
Sombrero Galaxy Compass Image  (MIRI)
Galaxies IC 2163 and NGC 2207 (Webb and Hubble image)
Galaxies IC 2163 and NGC 2207 (Webb MIRI image)
Galaxies IC 2163 and NGC 2207 (Hubble and Webb Images side-by-side)
Galaxies IC 2163 and NGC 2207 (Webb and Hubble annotated)
Catching the edge of the Phantom Galaxy (NIRCam image)
Catching the edge of the Phantom Galaxy
NGC 602 (Hubble image)
NGC 602 (NIRCam and MIRI image)
NGC 602 (Webb image)
Westerlund 1 (wide-field view)
The exotic stellar population of Westerlund 1
Centaur 29P Outgassing (NIRSpec)
SN H0pe
Galaxy GS-NDG-9422
Galaxy GS-NDG-9422 (annotated)
Arp 107 composite image (NIRCam + MIRI)
Arp 107 MIRI image
Arp 107 compass image
Digel Cloud 2S (annotated)
Digel Cloud 2S
Showing 1 to 50 of 496