NIRCam Image of the “Cosmic Cliffs” in Carina
Stephan’s Quintet (NIRCam + MIRI Imaging)
Southern Ring Nebula (NIRCam Image)
Southern Ring Nebula (NIRCam and MIRI Images Side by Side)
Southern Ring Nebula (MIRI Image)
Webb’s First Deep Field (NIRCam Image)
Combined NIRCam and MIRI Image of the “Cosmic Cliffs” in Carina
Stephan’s Quintet (MIRI Imaging)
Webb’s First Images
Composition of Gas Around Active Black Hole (MIRI Spectra)
Velocity of Gas Near Active Black Hole
Composition of Gas Around Active Black Hole (NIRSpec IFU)
Exoplanet WASP-96 b (NIRISS Transmission Spectrum)
Exoplanet WASP-96 b (NIRISS Transit Light Curve)
Webb Spectra Confirm Two Arcs Are the Same Galaxy (NIRISS Emission Spectra)
Webb Spectra Identify Galaxies in the Very Early Universe (NIRSpec MSA Emission Spectra)
Webb Spectrum Showcases Galaxy’s Composition (NIRSpec Emission Spectrum)
Webb Delivers Deepest Infrared Image of Universe Yet
Webb Mirror Closeup
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